I waved the breath of pines in a thousand valleys. I hear him in the icy bells, I hear him…
而这次参悟大罗剑典对她来说就是奠定自己剑道机缘! 苏墨修行今并未在剑道修行花太多时和精力 他修行涉猎庞杂仙佛魔妖四道皆有剑道是其中一个分支 他接触最多便是三大剑诀 三大剑诀领悟到极致将会衍生出杀戮剑道 而他最有机会也是相对易参悟出来便是杀戮剑道! 剑道中一样蕴藏着千般道法奥义 而杀戮疑是最能代表剑道一种奥义! 苏墨、北冥雪师徒两人在大罗剑碑前一一坐身剑气环绕看着同样剑道秘典参悟着不同剑道奥义 北冥雪气息变得越发深邃神秘整个人像是一口星黑洞正在不断吸收吞噬 而苏墨气息则变得越发强盛锋芒凌厉杀意凛冽! 陆云看到这一幕暗暗点头 苏墨身显露出来杀戮剑意已经极纯粹 而且他已经先一步领悟诛仙剑这次参悟大罗剑典很有可能在杀戮剑道更进一步 而北冥雪那边有些奇怪她剑道就连大峰主都没有见过 如果说如今苏墨是一柄出鞘长剑锋芒逼人没有人能忽视他在 那么北冥雪周围就是一片虚 As if all…
"I heard that this is not the case." Guo Yu was still worried. "Didn't you say that all their reserve…
Kun Peng's Lich King is cold-hum. He wants to lock the land and air into the right path. Two monks…
Jiao Fei repeatedly deduces that the fate should be changed. Who will be reincarnated by Xihe Burn and Ghost Burn?…
The stone family leader's heart is full of joy and secret passages, and so on. This sentence is yours. He…
After saying his word, Emperor Yan fell to the ground avenue. "Asking a real person to save me is tantamount…
The idea wave is constantly detected, but the effect is not ideal, because the exquisite display is a natural method,…
Gong Gong has not yet spoken at Taiyi's words. Li Suiyun has changed his face and sneered, "Killing people for…
"Let's go ~" I want to see the limit of the world, as the crane flies with its wings to…